Friday, August 12, 2011

Rough morning

I woke up hungry today.  I think it is because I didn't have any protein with my dinner last night.  Anyway, I made my kids breakfast first (pancakes), and that smelled really good.  I wasn't really tempted to eat any, but I was hungry. 

I got them fed, then I made myself two eggs, using our farm fresh eggs today.  Once I ate, I still felt really hungry, and even worse, I felt that yucky coating all over my mouth again.  So yucky.  So then I started trying to figure out what I was going to eat, and then I kind of panicked.  I opened the fridge & looked at all of the vegetables, and I thought "I'm going to starve!"  Nothing looked good.  I felt horrible!

I ended up getting some chicken breast out of the freezer, thawing it, and then cooking it with some Montreal Steak Seasoning.  Once I had that in my system I was okay.  The rest of the day has been fine, too.

I went to Real Foods and stocked up on some foods I can eat.  I got some sprouted pumpkin seeds, and got some little snack bites that have sesame, flax, and pumpkin seeds, and are perfect for what I need.  I'm definitely going to have to find some recipes that can make this more economical, becaue $5+ for a little bag of snack bites isn't going to cut it.  I'll definitely have to budget more for the food in the future.  I also got some raw milk.  Some of the things that I have read say no to milk, but my dr. said yes to raw milk.  So for my sanity, I'm going for it.  I had some tonight, and so far so good.  Oh- and I forgot to mention that I bought some Redmond Clay there, too.   I mixed 1 tsp in water & drank it tonight.  Didn't taste great, could be worse.  It's bentonite clay, and it's supposed to have some great healing properties.

1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since I couldn't have dairy, so I can't really remember exactly what I used instead. I think I liked rice dream instead of milk, and there was even a spread that we found at good earth that tasted pretty good since I couldn't have butter. I can't remember what it's called though. I know. REALLY helpful. :)
